The 4 C Framework


4C pointers , while advisor is following the script : -

  • Thank you is must, post the customer confirms the name and acknowledges the motive of the call along with granting permission that it is the right time to speak

  • Empathy statement is must as the customer is receiving a call because something did not go well with him related to the order in discussion

  • Avoidance of ling complicated sentences should be manifested, as this will save comprehension parameter

  • If customer is explaining the issue, advisor should be cautious to definitely get verbal nods captured while being conversant

  • The advisor should make sure that the customer is understanding the fact that the call is to help him and not unnecessarily utilizing his/her precious time

  • Advisor should sound dependable and the advices are the best possible resolution to the situation.

  • The advisor should acknowledge any happy/good news shared by the customer; however, timing has to be correct

  • The advisor should check in the beginning of the call if the customer has already received a call related to the same topic earlier. this will not make the customer agitated, thinking of a repetitive activity.

  • The customer should listen to apology statements in abundance, will slow their momentum to argue back.

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